This section will tell you more about some requirements of this guide.
You need…
- An English copy of Fallout 4 from Steam or GOG
- The Recommended Guide will tell you how to properly install Fallout 4
- Only the English version of the game is supported for maximum compatibility.
- The and Xbox Game Pass versions of the game are unsupported, as they do not work with F4SE which is essential for many mods.
- All DLCs for Fallout 4 (except the High Resolution Texture Pack DLC)
- At least 37.5 GB of free drive space
- Windows 7 or higher (64bit)
- Microsoft VC++
- Extract the archive and run the included install_all.bat as an administrator.
- This is a trusted download. The file simply automates the installation of several VC++ libraries, which are needed for certain software, mods and video games.
- Download and run 2015-2022 X64
- This is a trusted download link.
is a microsoft website/domain.
- This is a trusted download link.
- Download and run 2015-2022 X86
- This is a trusted download link.
is a microsoft website/domain.
- This is a trusted download link.
- Restart your PC.
- A text editor (I recommend Notepad++ or Visual Studio Code, but the default Windows notepad will work)
- An archiving tool (I recommend 7-Zip)
- The latest GPU drivers (Either NVIDIA or AMD)
- A Nexus Mods account
- A Discord Account (optional)
- During the “Nexodus”, many mod authors removed their mods from Nexusmods and are now hosting them on a Discord Server
- All mods from Discord will be optional in this guide
Recommended Specs
Installing the game on an SSD can drastically improve load times and decrease stuttering. Here are the (minimal) recommended specs for being able to run the game at 60FPS in 1080p:
- CPU: Modern quad-core processor (2.75GHz or more)
- RAM: 16 GB of RAM
- GPU: NVIDIA 900 series card or an AMD RX 400 series card
Information about the Next-Gen Update of Fallout 4
- Fallout 4 got a “Next Gen” update in April 2024
- Many mods do not support this “Next Gen” version, because it broke a lot of mods and has several severe bugs/issue
- The stance of the modding community is to downgrade Fallout 4 for maximum mod compatability
- This guide will tell you how to downgrade Fallout 4 (it is very easy to do that)
NEXTLet's start!